Fire Devastated Harbin Hot Springs Middletown CA
Harbin Hot Springs is located near Middletown, California. If Middletown sounds familiar it’s because Middletown was all over the news last year when the Valley Fire hit and burned down …
Harbin Hot Springs is located near Middletown, California. If Middletown sounds familiar it’s because Middletown was all over the news last year when the Valley Fire hit and burned down …
Redwood Trees & Daffodils Our daffodils in front of our house are up. Last year we had a bunch of wild hogs come through and they dug up and ate …
In 2012, the kids and I tagged along with my husband on one of his business trips from Northern California to Texas and Oklahoma. We all crammed into his work …
Recently we ate lunch at Sanducci’s Cottage in Lakeport, CA. This little dive place has an amazing burger menu! They seriously have too many burgers to choose from. This is …
My husband has been very busy with welding projects. He’s slowly replacing things he lost in the Valley Fire. He recently made a welding table, a steel man basket for …
In June 2014, we took a little family trip to Bodie California and visited one of the most incredible California parks, Bodie State Historic Park. Bodie, CA is an authentic …
For the past three days, we’ve had this little pony visiting us. It belongs to the neighbor kid and I really have no idea if the pony is a boy …
The Valley Fire September 12th, 2015 is a day I will never forget. My husband was working in Nevada watching a drilling rig. Our three daughters had gone to a …